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Where Do Skunks Live

    Where Do Skunks Live

    Skunks are mammals that can be found in both North and South America. They belong to the Mephitidae family. They are not related, despite their resemblance to the polecat.

    The skunk’s only known relative is the stink badge. When these animals are threatened, they spray an offensive-smelling liquid at the predator.

    Skunks come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and their appearance varies. Skunks are omnivorous, meaning they eat both animal and plant matter, but their diet varies depending on the season.

    They have been observed eating lizards, salamanders, rodents, larvae, eggs, birds, snakes, grass, and, in extreme cases, fungi. Skunks are known to visit garbage cans in human-populated areas in search of leftovers.

    They may become scavengers in some cases, feeding on rodent and bird carcasses left by other animals.

    Where do skunks hide in your neighbourhood?

    • Decks beneath the decks.
    • Sheds are located beneath the ground.
    • Under the heading of Home Additions.
    • In garages, to be precise.
    • In Homes’ Crawl Spaces
    • Wooden Piles stacked on top of each other.
    • Stone retaining walls.
    • Drainage Culvert Pipes That Have Been Dried
    • Under the Stumps
    • Grass that is tall.

    In the Winter, Where Do Skunks Seek shelter?

    Skunks may devastate your yard in the spring and fall as they search for grubs to eat. Skunks will eat insects, worms, eggs, eggs from backyard chickens, berries, pet food, garbage, and even rodents in suburban areas because they are omnivores.

    During the winter, a skunk will spend more time in its den, which can be found around porches, decks, and under houses. They are, however, more likely to choose a new home for the winter than the den where they spent the summer.

    Skunks do not necessarily “hibernate,” but they do become less active and do not hunt for food during the winter months. Instead, they rely on body fat that they accumulated over the summer and fall—much like a bear, except they’ll wake up a couple of times during their long nap.

    As a result, the winter is one of the best times to look for and remove skunks. Skunk dens on your property are usually best handled by a pest professional, despite the fact that they will be less active. This is because some mother skunks will build a communal den with their babies, and if you wake the mama skunk, she will spray you if she perceives you as a threat.

    Before breeding season, it’s critical to catch skunks and close off any potential dens, as male skunks will travel up to five miles in search of females, and what’s worse than one skunk? A group of skunks.


    Skunks are nocturnal, so you’ll probably only see them at night on your property. Skunk tracks, which show five toes on each foot with visible claws, are often seen in places where they live during the day if you’re looking for signs.

    Their foul odour can also indicate the presence of a skunk nearby. When building a nest or looking for food, they can cause damage to yards and even sheds, despite their pleasant demeanour. While searching for grubs, skunks will dig holes in yards.

    These holes are small and cone-shaped, with a length of one to three inches. Skunks are known for raiding trash cans, so if you wake up to raided garbage, skunks could be living nearby.

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