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Yellow Star

The Longevity Effects of Afternoon Naps

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Yellow Star

Short daytime naps are helpful for those who are otherwise healthy and get enough rest at night. 

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Yellow Star

Power naps, lasting 10–20 minutes, promote energy, mood, and productivity.

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Yellow Star

Long naps can lead to poor health and a shorter lifespan because they diminish nighttime sleep quality and length.

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Yellow Star

Long naps can cause sleep inertia, insomnia, and the craving for more naps during the day.

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Yellow Star

If you're fatigued and can take a brief nap in the afternoon, it can boost your alertness and productivity.

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Yellow Star

Children need more sleep than adults and benefit from naps for cognitive growth, memory consolidation, and emotional stability.

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Yellow Star

Regularly napping at the same time can train your body to snooze during the day.

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Yellow Star

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