Yellow Star
Yellow Star

9 Best Dog Breeds for First-Time Pet Owners

Yellow Star
Yellow Star


As long as it has the proper training, a Labrador will do well in a family setting. 

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Yellow Star

German shepherd

Charming, nimble, and smart, German shepherds are the perfect family pet.

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Yellow Star

Golden retriever

These canines are highly flexible and like working side by side with their human companions.

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Yellow Star


Rottweilers' dominance and fear of outsiders have earned them terrible press.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Australian shepherd

Australian shepherds make great family pets if they can exercise for an hour a day.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Brussels griffon

Brussels griffons are strong and appreciate training and performing sports. 

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Yellow Star

Belgian shepherd

Shepherding makes them willing to do tasks and please owners.

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Yellow Star


If you want a gregarious, loyal tiny pet, the Havanese is perfect. 

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

Doberman pinscher

Due to their intelligence and dedication, Dobermans often collaborate with police.

Yellow Star
Yellow Star

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